5 Posisi Kosong Ini Cocok Untuk Kalian, Cek Lowongan Kerja Berikut dari PT Bank Seabank Indonesia

Sabtu 13 Jan 2024 - 07:52 WIB
Reporter : Aguz Pongki
Editor : Aguz Pongki

2. Engagement and Culture 

BACA JUGA:Rusak 8 Jembatan, Rumah Bupati Musi Rawas Utara Pun Ikut Direndam Banjir, Ini Penampakannya!

BACA JUGA:Wow! Segini Tarif Dewa 19 Manggung di Ogan Ilir

Job Descriptions: 

  • Propose awork culture program to ensure the work program is in line with the company's operational needs
  • Proposing a program for internalizing company values in order to support the implementation process for each individual
  • Organizing content related to the company's internal campaigns both offline and via social media
  • Organize forums or activities to facilitate communication between management & employees about vision, mission, values, regulations, and other relevant topics
  • Propose and organize engagement events and religious activities
  • Organizing all extracurricular activities (employee clubs) to facilitate employee interests & talents
  • Organizing all routine company wellness activities
  • evaluate the results of each engagement event 


  • Bachelor's Degree in Communication, Public Relation, or Psychology
  • Minimum 5 years of work experience in the field of employee/culture engagement
  • Able to develop strategic solutions and provide immediate execution
  • Tech-savvy and familiar with virtual technology tools & systems to support employee engagement and improve the way Of working
  • Able to think creatively
  • Able to communicate verbally and in writing in Indonesian and English 

BACA JUGA:Pj Wako Dukung Rencana Bandara Atung Bungsu Buka Rute Pagaralam - Jakarta

BACA JUGA:Mega Proyek Jembatan 31 Kilometer Ini Kandas di Era Jokowi! Apa Penyebabnya?

3. Procurement 

Job Descriptions: 

  • Source, review and select gualified vendors/suppliers, for find potential for future cooperation.
  • Comparing offers from vendors/suppliers in terms of guality, service, cost, and ability, to choose most profitable vendor/supplier to work together.
  • Negotiating with vendors/suppliers, to find offers that match budget and meet company needs.
  • Become aliaison and monitor performance vendors/suppliers, to ensure delivery goods/services on time.
  • Develop and evaluate vendors/suppliers contained in the database toensure the vendor/supplier is the party who reliable and guaranteed guality.
  • Make purchase orders / POs for goods and services services to be purchased to ensure documented purchases in HRIS and the user/reguestor is informed about the process procurement of goods.
  • Check delivery from purchase order so thatthe POis in line with the provisions of the process procurement of goods.
  • Receive invoices, delivery orders, PR / PO and document it, to provide accurate information related to the procurement process goods to Finance.
  • Documenting purchasing records, prices, and other important data to ensure team work can go according to plan.
  • Coordinate with users/reguestors, ensure effective and proper coordination time and good team work in procurement goods/services/get mock-up samples.


BACA JUGA:Open Recruitment dari Pertamina Foundation, Ditunggu Sampai 16 Januari

BACA JUGA:Gajinya Besar! Perusahaan Tambang Terkemuka Dunia Ini Sedang Membuka Lowongan Kerja, Yuk Cek Disini

  • Bachelor's Degree, preferably in accounting, business management or a similar field.
  • 2-3 years of experienceas a procurement officer or in a similar position.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office and purchasing software.
  • Strong communication and negotiation skills.
  • Strong attention to details 

4. Trainer 

Deskripsi Pekerjaan: 

  • Berkoordinasi dengan tim Process Management untuk mengetahui pembaruan produk setiap minggu
  • Menyampaikan dan mengevaluasi program pelatihan untuk pelatihan terkait complaint handling, proses, dan sistem yang berlaku
  • Membuat Flow Handling sebagai alur standar dalam menangani nasabah untuk tim Customer Operations
  • Mengelola seluruh alur training seperti orientasi karyawan baru, pelatihan ulang, dan pembaruan produk
  • Melakukan evaluasi dari proses pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan
  • Memastikan semua karyawan Customer Operations mendapatkan pelatihan wajib dan lulus tes sesuai dengan regulasi
  • Mengidentifikasi temuan pada kinerja agen dengan bekerjasama, berkonsultasi, dan berkoordinasi dengan unit operasional (head/team leader) dan OA
  • Menyesuaikan atau mengubah kurikulum pelatihan berdasarkan temuan di operasional
  • Meninjau kinerja agen dari hasil pembelajaran di kelas pelatihan
  • Melakukan analisa terkait konten, pengukuran evaluasi, pengembangan materi, dan asesmen/desain tes untuk pelatihan tim Customer Operations
  • Menyusun, mengumpulkan, dan mengirimkan laporan berkala yang berkaitan dengan progress pelatihan complaint handling, sistem yang digunakan, dan proses yang berlaku, guna memberikan informasi yang akurat kepada leader Learning Management. 

BACA JUGA:Bikin Heboh Membuat Kota Masa Depan, Arab Saudi Malah Membangun Kapal Terbesar di Dunia, Ini Wujudnya!

BACA JUGA:Penempatan di Jakarta, Berikut Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT K-24 Indonesia (Apotek K-24)

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