5 Posisi Kosong Ini Cocok Untuk Kalian, Cek Lowongan Kerja Berikut dari PT Bank Seabank Indonesia

Sabtu 13 Jan 2024 - 07:52 WIB
Reporter : Aguz Pongki
Editor : Aguz Pongki

Bersiaplah dalam membuat CV atau Lamaran, Cover letter yang sesuai dan menggambarkan siapa diri anda.

BACA JUGA:Tiga Kali Tumbang di Laga Uji Coba, Shin Tae Yong Masih Simpan Harapan

BACA JUGA:Banjir di Musi Rawas Picu Kemunculan Buaya Senyulong, Warga Suka Beri Makan, Sifatnya Pemalu, Kok Bisa?

Tunjukan anda adalah orang yang siap bekerja, dapat dipercaya dalam mengemban tugas yang diberikan perusahaan. 

Proses, tahapan rekrutmen, seleksi calon karyawan biasanya dilakukan secara bertahap agar mendapatkan calon karyawan terbaik. 

Pada umumnya, urutan tahapannya adalah Seleksi Administrasi Berkas atau Screening CV, kemudian Wawancara HRD, lalu interview HRD, dilanjutkan dengan Wawancara dengan User, dan Tes Psikotes. 

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Seabank Indonesia.

BACA JUGA:Kecelakaan Maut di Tol Palembang-Prabumulih Kembali Terjadi, Ini Korban-Korbannya Ada yang Meninggal!

BACA JUGA:Ayo Ikuti Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Setempat Perutusan Tetap Republik Indonesia, Ini Cara Daftarnya

Kalian tertarik bekerja di PT Bank Seabank Indonesia. ?

Nah, ayo siapkan berkas lamaran dan CV anda, berikut kualifikasinya dibawah ini:

1. Human Resource Information System 

Job Descriptions: 

BACA JUGA:Periode Satgas Nataru Berakhir, Pertamina Berkomitmen Jaga Pasokan Energi Tetap Lancar

BACA JUGA:Sehebat Apa Kekuatan Grup Timnas Indonesia di Piala Asia 2023? dan Siapa Tim Tersukses di Turnamen Ini

  • Updating employee personal data periodically either changes to employee status/position related to promotion/rotation position and/or grade to ensure employee data contained in HRIS is the most recent data.
  • Making changes to the structure organizations in HRIS for adapt to the organizational structure applicable.
  • Provide the necessary data by the relevant unit in accordance with the provisions applicable.
  • Provides up-to-date headcount data for internal HR every day through sharing folders to meet analysis needs employee data.
  • Provide information on the results of data analysis staffing (headcount overview) management is reguired for retrieval further decisions every month.
  • Provide valid data reguired for reporting to regulators/parties other external.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of employee data and ensure data is stored properly.
  • Register new employee attendance to ensure new employees registered in the attendance system.
  • Check attendance system and back up attendance data regulariy guarterly to ensure attendance the system works well and data employee attendance documented with neat.
  • Provide reports related toattendance employees when needed.
  • Create a G-suite account and submit login credentials for new employees or perform account migrations (HRIS, email, SeaTalk) for employees who transfer entities to ensure that new employees and transfer employees can access HRIS, SeaTalk, and G-Suite accounts without any problems.
  • Coordinate with IT Operations Team via the GTS portal for mailbox creation OWA to ensure new employees have a local account and access to the system IT at SeaBank.
  • Prepare employees probation form (PKWTT) and send email notification to employee's supervisor (PKWTT) to inform about expiry of the probationary period of the employee who concerned.
  • Sending employee data with PKWT whose contract is about to end to HRBP and IR for follow up performance appraisal process.
  • Save the result documentation employee assessment/evaluation into archive employees, in the form of hardcopy or softcopy to make sure it's saved neatly, orderly, and easily accessible if needed.
  • Processing the submitted resignation employees by updating in HRIS and close email & G-suite access to ensure personal data in HRIS and IT access regionally managed has been closed.
  • Coordinate with IT Operations Team via GTS portal to close local account and/or employee IT access right on the day the last person concerned worked (create a user deactivation ticket) use ensure that all IT access is closed offboarding employees.
  • Prepare, inform and distributing employee packages (such as First Day Kit, Birthday Package, Pass Probation Package, Offboarding Package, Employee Rewards, Retirement package) to ensure emplyee packages given to eligible emplyoee to accept it.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Management, Human Resource, Engineering Industry or any other related field
  • Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, and Power Point)
  • Thorough and detailed with numbers and data 
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